About Us

The We Are The World School (WATWS) is a modern, barrier-free primary school, founded by Hortense Kavuo Maliro and her Congolese Non-Profit-Organisation AISHP.

The WATWS is located in Beni Nord-Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This area has been tormented by war and poverty for years. Many children in this area are traumatised.


Good education in the DRC is still a serious problem. The government does not pay school fees for the children of Congo. It is the parents who have to pay for the school fees of their children.

As a result of the general poverty, many children are not able to study and have to spend their days in the streets. This makes them vulnerable and easy to recruit as child soldiers. All children deserve to go to school, to learn and to play. „They do not belong in the bush behind Kalashnikovs.“ (- Hortense Kavuo Maliro)


Currently we have 199 children studying at WATWS whose parents are not able to obtain an income of even ten dollars per month.

Among them we have 105 girls. We encourage the enrolment of girls especially, because lots of girls in Congo still don´t get the opportunity to study at school. They are often married early instead. WATWS is the only barrier-free school in the region. Allowing ALL children, including disabled students, to access learning.

WATWS needs long-term partners in order to continue the education of our students, the future leaders of the DRC.